
Santa's of the World

Ump-teen years ago when we sold or gave away our belongings to respond to the call as overseas missionaries, one of the things that I really didn't want to let go of was my "Santa's of the world". However................ we had to let them go. Now these Santa's were of no material value. Matter fact, most of them came from the dollar store.......... The other day as a girlfriend was cleaning out her garage for a rummage sale, she offered me a box of "Santa's of the world". I began to cry cause I knew that everything that I've given up twice, that God has given back to me in greater measure. These Santa's of the world are a bit upscale from ones from the dollar store! They are better than the original one's that I had owned.... Hey guys, it's just stuff.....we can always get more stuff......and if God says go, I'm willing to give it all up again! Until them.........