
Thanksgiving '08

Spence, Chris & the sweet baby grand! Ain't she sweet! --->
<------Ahh....Your's truly!

Nana & the grands!
Tammy & Mark enjoying a laugh! ------------>

James, Kim, Austin,Sandy & Floppy pose for a pic! By the way Austin is a Jr Blackbelt, winner of the Dixie Youth - 9 Year Old State Champs & Tournament Ball Champs for the state of MS!


Connecting With The Outside World

Just a quick shout to our friends who check our blog!
Hungarian Bean Soup is cooking on the stove and we'll be gathering
with friends later tonight.

Ed has been doing some awesome preaching! He is truly a man of God
and I'm proud of him. He has been given the opportunity to teach
Sunday School classes as well as preaching at various churches. He is truly
gifted and brings a strong Word. Matter fact, he makes me look good! (Can you tell
I'm proud of him?)


Fall In The South

Word on the beat says that the fall colors are even more beautiful in the deep South as compared to the well known fall colors of the Smokies. Since we've not made a trip to the Smokies, it's been neat that God brought the fall colors to us! Photos to follow at a later date!


The Grands - Ain't They Grand!

Just catching up on posting some pic's!
Grandparenting is GREAT !

Country Life - Ain't It Great!