
We Always Make Time For Family Time & Rummikub!


Who Dat and more.....

Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints on their win at the 44th Superbowl!Even though a Manning was playing on the Colts team,I had to support the neighbors in the Superbowl. Congrats Who Dat! 31-17

On a side note, last week I took the boyz to a livestock show at the Dixie National Rodeo.After walking around a while, we stopped in the capitol for them to take a look at our capitol building. The legislature session had dismissed for the night and the lawmakers were leaving, we met the Lt Governor coming down the steps. He stopped and introduced himself to us and welcomed us to the Capitol. For some reason I have photos of the boys with livestock, but didn't ask to make a photo of the boyz and the Lt Gov. They boyz were so excited to have met him, that they had to call their home country and tell their family that they had met the Vice President of Mississippi!


Global Warming Here & There - We Had Snow Too!

The first picture was made outside of Budapest Hungary. The second photo shows my nephew cleaning the snow from in windshield (bug screen) in Nashville. The third photo shows a photo of a friends, neighbors house somewhere in Oklahoma. The fourth photo shows the snow that we got this past weekend! Be sure and look closely, I don't want you to miss it!