
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Ed is cooking a turkey (on the gas grill), another friend is frying a turkey, someone else is bringing a ham, I've cooked southern cornbread dressing, broc-cheese-rice casserole, sweet tator casserole, onion toasted tators baking in the oven, cold slaw (with a new twist), stuffed eggs, jello salad, store bought rolls, a cake baked, homemade cheese cake, de-caf spelenda sweeten tea, de-caf coffee and now awaiting for the world to arrive! This is our first Thanksgiving in our new home and we are so excited to be able to share our holiday with those whom have never celebrated an American Thanksgiving. Also we've invited friends from the church who are from other parts of the USA. I think we are expecting about 20 in all! Happy Thanksgiving!