Hanging out with Ed doing guy stuff in the garage, cooking a CHRISTmas meal, playing several games of cards, laughing, making CHRISTmas candy,building memories, enjoying the beautiful weather from our patio, telling the meaning of CHRISTmas, answering questions about CHRISTmas, opening gifts and sharing time together made our CHRISTmas time special. They were not expecting CHRISTmas gifts but each received a NIV Bible, either a MSU or Ole Miss (don't let it be said that I spent $$$ on Ole Miss shirts), each received a cap donated by Brother Elton plus there were other small gifts for the each of them. Baby Glory received her first baby doll.
On Sunday night someone treated them to a night of bowling and then we went to a house to play wii (bowling & golf) and ate pizza. We all had allot of fun! For a fuzzy ah moment, on Saturday I asked Daniel if he wanted to watch a movie? He said, "no, I want to be with you." My heart melted once again!