Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your
possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
Receptions, Bridal Shower & Birthday Party
JuJu at her bridal shower. I'm going to miss this WOG (WOMAN OF GOD)! That's her beau (Eric) sneaking a peck on the cheek!
The weekend was filled with receptions (yes, more than 1), a bridal shower and also having fun celebrating one of the grands birthday. In the immediate above photo, Brother Davis (seated - dark shirt) is retiring after 23 years as the District Superintendent of the MS Assemblies of God. To the right, Raymond and Sindyhave accepted a new position in West Texas, after 18 years serving as the Youth & CE Director. Bro Derek presented them with farewell gifts at a noon luncheon. Their replacements have BIG SHOES to fill!