For the past 2 Sunday's I've had a couple speaking engagements. This past Sunday I was the guest missionary in our children's church! I am always blessed in Praise and Worship. God has blessed
ROL with a powerful P & W pastor and team. I wanted to stay in the grown up service to be a part of PW, but felt that since I was speaking in the children's church
service, that I needed to go ahead to children's church. I was SO GLAD I did! MY WORLD WAS ROCKED! In their praise and worship time, I was trying to be a "cool grandma" by jumping around showing off a little energy. But when the 3rd song began, the spirit of intercession came on me as well as the kids. There was such pure worship sounding forth that I knew it was God moving in the house! I couldn't help but grab my camera and make a couple photos of some of the kids on their face before God.