Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
Kelly From Transylvania

Tornado's in Mississippi
Photo: What is left of a home in Magee Mississippi

The civil defense alarms awaken us at 12:45 AM and we took shelter in our hall. Thank the Lord we are OK! To the north of us by only a few miles, roofs are off of homes. These homes were hit by 100 mph straight winds. However, tornado's touched down in Magee and our daughter said that they are fine, but many homes are damaged and many people are being treated at a hospital. One Baptist church was destroyed. We thank the Lord for His protection! (Mary Jill travled through this town on Sunday)
My World Was ROCKED

Get Motivated Seminar

We (a group of us from church) went to serve in various areas. Not knowing
anything about the organization, come to find out, it is owned and operated by Christians. While some worked the sales tables, other's worked the information booth, Ed and Pastor drove the golf carts that shuttled Zig Zigler, Dr Robert Schuler, former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Archi Manning, Tamra Low and others from one place to the other. A group of 5 of us spent our day in the Power Room where we were interceding for this conference.

Get Motivated is a business seminar that is used to sharpen business skills, ignite motivation and accelerate effectiveness! This was a powerful jam packed two days that we were happy to be a part!
Get motivated,
Jackson MS,
Peter Low,
Rudy Jiuliani,
Tamra Low,
Zig Zigler
1952 Super A International Tractor

My brother in law restored this 1952 FarmAll. He has worked on it about 3 - 31/2 months. Unfortunately we didn't take a "before" picture when rusty and brown. New parts include muffler, seat, carburator, starter, and two front tires. The red paint is International Red paint. The right rear tire is dry-rotted and split and is still to be replaced. The old/new parts were ordered from a restoration supply company. Yeah Albert!
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