Back in April we preached at a church and prayed for a Mother who was very pregant with twins. Since our time there, we have received word that the babies were born and are healthy. This past Sunday we got to see the babies and of course Syble got to hold and kiss on them. The Father once again told us the testimony of the miracle of the children. Not only did he tell us, but he also showed us the medical documentation that he carrys in his Bible. The Mother had her first sonogram on Dec 20, 2007 and was told they found a baby and a tumor in her womb. The church prayed and God answered their prayer by healing the Mother. When she returned on February 4, 2008 she had yet another sonogram. The sonogram showed 2 babies and no tumor. The doctor told the family he doesn't believe in God, but he did acknowledge that a miracle had taken place! The doctor may not believe in our God, but we serve a miracle working God! Praise God for the miracle! Simon and Csilla are beautiful healthy children. Also pictured with them is their older sister who is 2 years old. Aren't they beautiful!