Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
Hungarians Celebrate A Name Day

Hot Peppers & Orchids

Sandra, the original owner of the orchids moved back to Canada. When we started to move to the eastern side of the country, we gave the orchids to Andy. It's obvious he has a green thumb!
Oh, the pepper plants. These are from seed that we also gave Andy. Why is it that my pepper plants look nothing like his?
budapest christian libarary,
green thumb,
hot peppers,
Miracle Babies

Watch Out World........Syb Drove A John Deere !

Many Hungarians claim John Deere as being a Hungarian. As one man said, "if they want to belive that, fine!" Whatever the case, from the very beginning John Deere changed farming with his advanced technology of a simple plow!
We extend our thanks not only to Edward but to Isvan for this memorable memory es az szep ido volt! Now for your drooling pleasure, take note of the beauty of these powerful machines below! (Flags shown below - John Deere, Kite Rt., Nádudvar the city flag, the beautiful Hungarian Flag) Again, thanks Edward and Isvan!
Other Recent Happenings

Summer Has Officially Arrived
Today It was 37 degrees celsius and yesterday it was about 35 degrees. The weather forecast said it will cool down in a couple days. I guess we are out of luck for some snow?
Low Budget Entertainment

With the exchange rate at an all time low of 145 to $1 USD, it is important to keep a good attitude and a sense of humor! Watermelon teeth not only provide low budget entertainment,but also an option to the high cost of dental care!
The Niece & The Auntie - Who's entertaining who?
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