The table is set, but the candles aren't burning. Ed is taking care of pastoral duties (Plan A) while I work behind the scenes with Plan B. As our wedding anniversary is drawing near, there seems to be appointments to keep, prayer meetings to attend, phone calls to answer in addition to the behind scene hours spent in prepration for the upcoming service. This is not to mention the endless hours of making sure that translation is secured and music is ready for this weekends service. Our lives are committed to the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Part of pastoring is being married to the church. I am more than happy to serve in this capacity! I fully believe in what we do and even more, I believe in sharing my faith in Jesus Christ! However, as much as we love giving of ourselves to others, we have to be smart and schedule some time to our selves. So how do we do this?
Syb's Plan - PLAN B - When Ed returns home tonight, my plans are to unplug the phone and post a "closed" sign on the office door. (only for a couple hours) Then we will escape to our balcony to enjoy candle light and sushi! Happy Anniversary Baby!