Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
Stone Mountain Georgia
Just a few photos of a recent Senior Adult Trip to Stone Mountain Georgia! Not only did I get to spend precious time with my Mother, but we hung out at Stone Mountain Park for a day. Also the trip included the Coke Cola museum, the aquarium and also visited the "Gone With The Wind" museum in Mariette and took a trolley ride. The most enjoyable thing was the time I spent with Mom. We laughed allot and spend quality time together. What precious memories!

I thirst for God, the living God - Psalm 42:2 NLT
Attendance was just under the 400 mark for our ladies spring conf and Godz Girlz conference that was hosted by our church. What a powerful weekend with many people leaving with their lives totally changed! The theme for this years women's ministries is "THIRSTY?" Pictured below are our a few of our Nigerian sisters singing for the offertory, a shot of the one of the services, Lois sporting a tee, Dan and one of the speakers in deep discussion, then me, the WM director and one of the guest speakers (who is Hungarian) posing for a pic! 

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