Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
Sunset on the Rez
I enjoy coordinating outings and activities for our senior adults. Today we took advantage of the beautiful weather and had a picnic on the rez. One of my favorite things to do is to watch a sun set. Here are a few shots of the sun going down. Just think, I personally have a relationship with the Creator,the Master artist who created such beauty!

The Smell of Spring
Mr. Bellingrath once said “The Gardens are like a beautiful woman with a different gown for each week of the year.” With the camellia blooms in winter, the azaleas in spring, roses in the summer, chrysanthemums in autumn and our famed Magic Christmas in Lights during the holiday season, Bellingrath Gardens and Home is a 65 acre estate of year-round beauty. (copied from
What a fun day we had enjoying not only the beautiful garden, but also enjoying being with family! Mom is not confined to a wheelchair. It just helps her not get so tired out and also helps to cover ground faster. Photo: My older brother, my sister (in law), hubby, Mom (seated) Me and my older little sister.

What a fun day we had enjoying not only the beautiful garden, but also enjoying being with family! Mom is not confined to a wheelchair. It just helps her not get so tired out and also helps to cover ground faster. Photo: My older brother, my sister (in law), hubby, Mom (seated) Me and my older little sister.
Mixing Generations and Cultures.........
One of the things I know is that God is faithful in all areas of our lives. Depending on what we are in need of, whether it is spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially or economically, those needs will be met. God used a group of young men to meet the needs of a Grandmother who needed a little extra love and encouragement to make it through times of transition. God used a Grandmother to reassure a younger generation that they can make it through life with the Lord’s help. What special moments of sweet fellowship!

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