Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
Gluten Free, Allergy Free, Sugar Free & Totally Fat Free
The beautiful cake was gluten free, allergy free, sugar free and totally fat free! Had I been dieting, I could have eaten a piece and made up for in another area. However fasting while celebrating a birthday doesn't mix, well at least if you have a sweet tooth like me! At this point, I'm just taking an opportunity to blog about the creativity of my dear sister that I call "Sa Pud"......Thanks Sis for your love, support and friendship! Oh, the monkey candle? That's another story for another time!
Ridin' Pigs & Horses
Check out the farm gear! Being a farm girl, you would think that I own shoes that I could wear on the farm. Well with us starting over, this is one thing that I haven't even thought about acquiring much less needing, until this past New Years Eve! The girls showed up in new shoes and I knew with heavy rains the day before, that shoes would be ruined. We had a choice, go buy shoes at the dollar store or use bags! Bags were the choice attire for the occasions! (I chose to wear a pair of socks with crocks and throw the socks away.) Not only did we get to spend some time with a amazing family on their farm, but those that chose to, got to ride a pig. You asked, "how do you ride a pig?" It looked easy. Grab a pig by the ears and hang on for the ride! Actually, I don't know who squilled the loudest, the pigs or the girls!
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