The Women's Retreat was AWESOME! Lives were changed, needs were met, several women received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues. God once again showed up and showed out! Ain't it GREAT serving the Creator of the earth and of all living things!
Sheri Hawley was the guest speaker and she fed us anointed words mixed with some of her wonderful sense of humor! Pastor Darron and the ROL Praise and Worship team ministered under an incredible and powerful anointing!
After midnight me and Jennifer, a fellow missionary, decided to venture out and go cabin hopping! Of course we felt it was our duty to check out the cabins to see who had the best snacks and who was having the most fun! There was a six way tie! However, the group of ladies gathered in the cafeteria-torian seemed to have a creative edge on the rest of the cabins! There is something to be said about adult women dressed in the pj's, holding Winnie the Pooh and stuffed bears, dancing to the music of the old fast, foot stomping hymns!
AAAhhhhhh ......It's so much fun being a believer in Jesus Christ and living the life of a Christian!