Life in Debrecen
As it is approaching midnight and I should be getting some shut-eye. Instead I was drawn to the sounds of singing on the street. Being curious I had to see what was going on! With only my keys in hand, I missed a great Kodak moment! There were two horse drawn carriages filled with soon to be graduating students passing our building! If I understand their tradition, they go to the home of their teacher (s) and serenade.
After several years in Budapest, living in Debrecen grants us the opportunity to see more of the day to day life of the wonderful Hungarian people! These students sound like they are enjoying themselves and having a great party!
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
The Twins Arrived !

Earlier in April, Ed preached in a town that is about an hour away from Debrecen. We met Sandor & Szabina who are Christians. She was VERY pregnant with twins. Of course we prayed for her and the next day she delivered twins. At birth, Baby Simon and Baby Csilla (Star) each weighed a little over 2 kilos each. We are praying for Sandor & Szabina and their family of 3 children.
Just a FEW of the Happenings in the Courtney's Household - April 20-26 2008

The Weight of the Matter
This morning I walked to one of my favorite fruit / veggie stands to purchase carrots, apples and a few banana's. I was trying to communicate in Hungarian with the owner and his employee. They both look as if they have lost weight! I was trying to ask, "how many kilo's have you lost?" In turn he told me how much he weighed and then invited me to step on the industrial size scales and weight. I declined with laughter and left the shop with this funny story to share with you! Later in the day in my mind, I was rehershing the conversation when I realzied I had used the wrong word when asking the question!
Oh well............this is a classic example of mis-communication and mis-understanding...........but it makes a great story! Oh go ahead and laugh..........even if it is at my expense!
Oh well............this is a classic example of mis-communication and mis-understanding...........but it makes a great story! Oh go ahead and laugh..........even if it is at my expense!

Yes, we can purchase avocados here. Yes, they are imported. Yes, they are expensive. Yes, they are usually the size of a large egg and at present very low exchange rate and increasing inflation cost, each small avocado cost about $1.76 .......... So with slimy lime juice that has been contained in our refrigerator for at least two years, a 15 cent package of expired guacamole dip mix from the US, a package of frozen peas from Tesco, salt, a hand-me-down hand blender and a imagination.......we made mock guacamole!
I'm sure with this "creation" Paula Deen and Chef Emeril will be flooding my inbox begging for our cooking secrets! On second thought, we'll save the story of the lentil burgers for another time! By the way, the chips were great!
Signs of Spring 2008

An Incredible Weekend
Dr Peppers!

Yesterday as the gate bell rung, it was Aminta who had so generously brought us not only peanut butter, brown sugar, a cake mix, kool aid but also she brought us 4 (24 oz) Dr Peppers!
It is true that you can take a girl out of the country, but you can't take the taste of a good Dr Pepper out of the girl! that this news has been posted on the web, that means other missionaries know I have Dr Pepper's.......ummmmmmmm..........guess this means I'll have to share our Dr Peppers and I'm sure God will bless me with even more Dr Peppers!
Here are the words from the Dr Pepper jiggle that was popular a few years ago.
I'm a Pepper
He's a Pepper
Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper to?
Kisujszallas Hungary

Pastor Simon is modeling my John Deere cap. We like to tell people that this cap cost $30,000 USD and "they" threw in a John Deere tractor with the purchase. It is all in the way you tell the story, igen?
Sincerest Form of Flattery

We had a photo session where she and I posed for the camera. It was fun because every pose I took she imitated. It was shall we say ....cute.
Someone said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. This little girl imitated me. Jesus said in John 14:12 "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. " I have a question. When those who live around us see us, who do they think we're imitating?
April Fools Day
After all of these years of living in Hungary, I just found out that Hungarian's have a "Fun Day / Joke Day". In the USA we call it April Fools Day. Curious about the orgination of this day I thought I would "google" to find out the history. As I began to look at the listings on the search engine, I just realized my eyes are crossing and I think it's best that I don't stay up to read about April Fools Day. I will however, confirm Hungarians are known to express themselves through the complication of trying to distinguish humour from reality.
While in conversation with a Hungarian friend, I was told that years ago someone placed an advertisement in the local newspaper, advertising "Abba" would be in concert at the university. That night students showed up for the free concert and were told "April Fools"!
Of course I had to share my story about the FBI calling me on April Fools Day. Now with my eyes crossing and toothpicks promping them open, I'll make the story short. It was NOT an April Fools joke! To my surprise it was a real call concering the company that I had worked for back in the early 80's.......!
Oh well.........A firm peice of foam rubber covered with a bed sheet topped with a warm duvet is calling me! However, not having pulled a April Fools joke on Ed, I think I'll tell him I have a sudden burst of energy and I'm going to defrost the refrig and organize the pantry and also clean the balcony! Oh, that wouldn't work......he knows me way to well!
While in conversation with a Hungarian friend, I was told that years ago someone placed an advertisement in the local newspaper, advertising "Abba" would be in concert at the university. That night students showed up for the free concert and were told "April Fools"!
Of course I had to share my story about the FBI calling me on April Fools Day. Now with my eyes crossing and toothpicks promping them open, I'll make the story short. It was NOT an April Fools joke! To my surprise it was a real call concering the company that I had worked for back in the early 80's.......!
Oh well.........A firm peice of foam rubber covered with a bed sheet topped with a warm duvet is calling me! However, not having pulled a April Fools joke on Ed, I think I'll tell him I have a sudden burst of energy and I'm going to defrost the refrig and organize the pantry and also clean the balcony! Oh, that wouldn't work......he knows me way to well!
Big Saturday - Nagy Szombat

As the 5th Saturday rolls around on the calendar, we at the International Church like to do something other than a regular church service. This past 5th Saturday we had a special emphasis on Israel which included a slide show by Eva, about her recent trip to Jerusalem. Following the interesting photos, Timea "tired" to teach us a Jewish dance! Needless to say we had allot of fun including laughing at those of us who have two left feet! This was then followed by a wonderful spread of food representing several different countries made by various ones in the church!
On Sunday, Ed preached at the monthly Csendes Nap (Quite Day) at the Hungarian Church of God. His assigned topic was on "Being a Friend of Jesus". As usual, he did a great job!
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