Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
Visiting With 4 English Classes

One Man's Trash / Another Man's Treasure

On CHRISTmas day I heard the words of my beloved wife say "Merry CHRISTmas!" As she took the trash to the rubbish bin and she opened the lid, there on top was a wooden box that two bottles of brandy may have come in. She proudly brought the wooden box to me and said "Merry CHRISTmas!" Oh I know it was trash, but mind you it was top level trash! But what to do with this "top level trash?" One day we had an idea, why not make it into a bird feeder! And that is what we did. The birds did not seem to care that it was at one time trash, they saw it as a blessing. Isn't it amazing that God can sometimes take what is trash in our lives and turn it around into a blessing? He can, if we will only let Him.
Ladies Night Out - Valentine's Day
How To Celebrate Valentine's Day - Everyday
Paul gives us some good advice on how to love one another in Romans 12:9-18.
Love must be sincere.
Cling to what is good.
Be devoted to one another.
Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal.
Be joyful in hope.
Be patient in affliction.
Be faithful in prayer
Share with God's people who are in need.
Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you.
Rejoice with those who rejoice.
Mourn with those who mourn.
Live in harmony with one another.
Do not be proud.
Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
If it is possible, a far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Love must be sincere.
Cling to what is good.
Be devoted to one another.
Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal.
Be joyful in hope.
Be patient in affliction.
Be faithful in prayer
Share with God's people who are in need.
Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you.
Rejoice with those who rejoice.
Mourn with those who mourn.
Live in harmony with one another.
Do not be proud.
Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
If it is possible, a far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
A Season of Fall - Take Time To Enjoy The Humor ! Ed's Version
Proverbs 17:22 - "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Fall is an amazing time of the year.
Nature takes on the color of change only to then see those beautiful leaves begin to FALL. I suppose that is why they call it FALL.
Well here in Hungary we are in the last days of winter and are expecting the approaching season of spring with much anticipation. However, we are apparently experiencing a bit of the FALL season too.
Allow me to explain.
Last week I was enjoying a peaceful night of sleep. You know the kind when your dreams drift from one subject to another and your body is completely relaxed, just a really good rest time. This is the type of night I was having, only to be awakened suddenly by the sound of a body hitting the floor! Of course I awoke suddenly to find my beloved Syble lying on the floor next to the bed. Had she fainted? Did she trip over something in the darkness? Was she breathing? As I sprang to her aid I called out to her “Baby, are you OK?” to which she responded “Yeah”. I was so glad to hear her speak which means she was still breathing. When I asked what happened she said “I fell out of the bed.”
Being concerned about her I said “Don’t move! Is anything broken? Do you feel pain?” When she spoke her speech was affected, just like a little child would sound when they had been awakened out of a deep sleep.
She said “I hurt” My knee hurt, I hit my head.” Shocked at this response I asked what happened. Syble said “I fell out of bed. I need to go potty”.
FALL season was upon us only I did not know the extent of its IMPACT!
Last night we were in service at The International Church. I was conducting a special meditative communion service. As the music played softly, everyone sat quietly reflecting upon their spiritual condition prior to taking the elements symbolizing the body and blood of Christ.
In the midst of this “quiet” time, I hear the sound of things crashing to the floor. As I look to see where this sound was coming from I saw our camera man frantically trying to catch his camera as it was FALLING just out of his reach on its way to the floor. But it was not the only thing on the floor. It seems as if my wife had stooped down to speak to someone, lost her balance, FELL over backwards into the aisle and, well, have your ever seen dominos FALL? Now you get the picture!
Here we were in a sacred moment, and I watch the Pastor’s wife FALL to the ground causing the video camera to FALL to the ground. As I watched the camera FALL I saw $$$ signs flutter away like leaves from a tree! I just knew I would be buying a new digital video camera. But thanks be to God the camera is OK.
Oh yeah, what about Syble? Fortunately she too was OK. Remember that we were in a sacred moment. Well once Syble was helped up from the floor, she got tickled!! And when Syble gets tickled there is no stopping her till she gets un-tickled.
Let me recap. Syble stoops, Syble FALLS, Camera FALLS, Cameraman FALLS trying to catch camera, people jump up to assist, Syble gets tickled, Syble leaves room laughing, Ed quietly prays for camera and continues service. Any questions?
Hopefully this season of FALL will pass quickly.
Fall is an amazing time of the year.
Nature takes on the color of change only to then see those beautiful leaves begin to FALL. I suppose that is why they call it FALL.
Well here in Hungary we are in the last days of winter and are expecting the approaching season of spring with much anticipation. However, we are apparently experiencing a bit of the FALL season too.
Allow me to explain.
Last week I was enjoying a peaceful night of sleep. You know the kind when your dreams drift from one subject to another and your body is completely relaxed, just a really good rest time. This is the type of night I was having, only to be awakened suddenly by the sound of a body hitting the floor! Of course I awoke suddenly to find my beloved Syble lying on the floor next to the bed. Had she fainted? Did she trip over something in the darkness? Was she breathing? As I sprang to her aid I called out to her “Baby, are you OK?” to which she responded “Yeah”. I was so glad to hear her speak which means she was still breathing. When I asked what happened she said “I fell out of the bed.”
Being concerned about her I said “Don’t move! Is anything broken? Do you feel pain?” When she spoke her speech was affected, just like a little child would sound when they had been awakened out of a deep sleep.
She said “I hurt” My knee hurt, I hit my head.” Shocked at this response I asked what happened. Syble said “I fell out of bed. I need to go potty”.
FALL season was upon us only I did not know the extent of its IMPACT!
Last night we were in service at The International Church. I was conducting a special meditative communion service. As the music played softly, everyone sat quietly reflecting upon their spiritual condition prior to taking the elements symbolizing the body and blood of Christ.
In the midst of this “quiet” time, I hear the sound of things crashing to the floor. As I look to see where this sound was coming from I saw our camera man frantically trying to catch his camera as it was FALLING just out of his reach on its way to the floor. But it was not the only thing on the floor. It seems as if my wife had stooped down to speak to someone, lost her balance, FELL over backwards into the aisle and, well, have your ever seen dominos FALL? Now you get the picture!
Here we were in a sacred moment, and I watch the Pastor’s wife FALL to the ground causing the video camera to FALL to the ground. As I watched the camera FALL I saw $$$ signs flutter away like leaves from a tree! I just knew I would be buying a new digital video camera. But thanks be to God the camera is OK.
Oh yeah, what about Syble? Fortunately she too was OK. Remember that we were in a sacred moment. Well once Syble was helped up from the floor, she got tickled!! And when Syble gets tickled there is no stopping her till she gets un-tickled.
Let me recap. Syble stoops, Syble FALLS, Camera FALLS, Cameraman FALLS trying to catch camera, people jump up to assist, Syble gets tickled, Syble leaves room laughing, Ed quietly prays for camera and continues service. Any questions?
Hopefully this season of FALL will pass quickly.

Tuesday night after Super Bowl Sunday, Syble & Mary Jill (a fellow missionary friend) went to the American Corner to watch a re-run of the game. It was amazing........the Giants won again! Go Eli! We had fun mixing and mingling and making new friends! What made this game even more exciting was the commentary was in Hungarian!
Made In Mississippi

On Super Bowl Sunday many years ago while living in Jackson, our Pastor announced the title of his Sunday night sermon. ”What does the Super Bowl have to do with the rapture of the church?"
That night as he began his sermon he started by asking the above question and then followed it with the answer “absolutely nothing!” Then he preached the sermon.
It is not common for churches here in Hungary to have a Sunday night service so fortunately we don’t have to compete with a common superbowl illness. SuperBowlitis only attacks one night of the year. However, across the pond and being a world away from the excitement that comes with the big game, we will be supporting the underdogs. One of our home grown Mississippi boys, Eli Manning is the quarterback for the NY Giants. Of course everyone is saying that they have no chance. But isn't that what they said about little David?
This is one time we would like to see the Giants win. :)
That night as he began his sermon he started by asking the above question and then followed it with the answer “absolutely nothing!” Then he preached the sermon.
It is not common for churches here in Hungary to have a Sunday night service so fortunately we don’t have to compete with a common superbowl illness. SuperBowlitis only attacks one night of the year. However, across the pond and being a world away from the excitement that comes with the big game, we will be supporting the underdogs. One of our home grown Mississippi boys, Eli Manning is the quarterback for the NY Giants. Of course everyone is saying that they have no chance. But isn't that what they said about little David?
This is one time we would like to see the Giants win. :)
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